I talk to the characters in my books. They have personalities and minds of their own. Sometimes, it’s a struggle to decide which would fit best in the story I’m writing–my thoughts or my character’s. Usually, my character is right. Me: Ned, I don’t believe you would go off hunting for an Indian message tree […]

What a Character!
·Hey! You aren’t supposed to say that! I looked at the paragraph I’d written. This character was speaking and acting…well, out of character. I had her personality planned and knew how she fit into the story I was writing, but, here she was, taking the bit in her mouth, the bull by the horns, and […]

Talking to Someone Who Isn’t There
I saw a cartoon on Facebook something to the effect of authors talking to the characters in their books. Of course we do! I just hope nobody hears me sitting at my computer holding a conversation with an invisible person who speaks with a voice that is inaudible to everyone but me. Me: Ned, I don’t believe […]

Arguing with a Mysterious Voice
·…Well, the voice isn’t really mysterious, but what she’s saying may be thought to be–at least, it is supposed to fit into a cozy mystery and that makes it mysterious, doesn’t it? And, no one else can hear her except me but don’t think I’ve gone round the bend because hearing her is a good […]
Every Jot and Tittle
·You’ve seen the cliche: the writer staring out the window appearing to be idle while she’s actually thinking of the next part of her story. I sympathize with that writer. It could be me! I’m on the re-write of the third Darcy/Flora mystery and re-writes and critiques are pain-staking necessities. The Cozy Critiquers are giving […]

The Mystique of the Critique
·The title of today’s blog is misleading but it does rhyme! There is no mystery about the Cozy Critiques. The official definition of a critique is an opinion or analysis or observation. A cozy critique (although I can’t find it listed in a dictionary) is a united effort of friends helping each other become better […]