I got up this morning thinking about words. A politician on the national scene is in hot water for a word he used a couple of days ago and now he wishes to walk the word back. How do you do that? Many times, I’ve wished I could “walk a word back” […]

Oct 11, 2018
Coming to Grips with Life
·Yesterday, I attended a funeral and it was, as funerals are wont to be, sobering and reflective, and a tribute to the one who had lived life and moved on. This was of a young man I had watched grow up. As I listened to the songs and heard the eulogy, I remembered long ago […]

Oct 8, 2018
That Special Nook
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· My son and I got the sad news yesterday that one of his best friends had died when his horse threw him. Suddenly, with no warning whatsoever, Lance was no longer there, where he had always been for many years, in that special nook in our hearts. Of course, with a death, memories come […]