There’s something about the late afternoon, just before the supper hour, when the day is winding down and the light lies golden and still through the windows. There’s a hush, a silence in empty rooms, a quiet acceptance that the day is over and soon the sun will slip beneath the horizon. Memories return […]

The Joy of Being Invisible
When one reaches a certain age, attains a veritable number of years, one becomes invisible. You don’t believe me? It’s true and I’m here to prove it. Maybe it’s the white hair that puts up that Invisibility Shield; maybe it’s the wrinkles; I’m not sure what triggers this phenomenon. For example, in a room full of […]

And Then Came the Reward
·Work is often its own reward. A person can lose herself in work and troubles all just disappear, or at least, grow smaller. Yesterday was a day perfect for losing troubles and worries. It was a day to be glad just to be alive. Neither hot nor cold, but somewhere in a comfortable in between, […]

When the Day Is Long and Everything Seems Wrong
·It had been a hard day, for some reason. No earthquakes or tornadoes or devastating news, but it seemed as if a spirit of evil or a spiteful sprite had been present. A prickling word here, a worrisome conversation there, an unsettled, fearful feeling of something just out of sight, something left un-done, something that […]

The Mystery of an Enduring Holiday
·I’m glad that important holidays are handed down from generation to generation. I’m so thankful for those traditions that bind us to the folk who have gone before. This is a re-print of a Thanksgiving Day post I wrote a few years ago. That special holiday in November is here. I have heard a rumor […]

Eleventh Day, Eleventh Month, Eleventh Hour, Armistice
It has been a long time since the Armistice was signed in 1918. My mother, Susie Latty Day, was a little girl at the time but she remembered it vividly, always, and what a time of rejoicing it was. This was The Great War, the War to End All Wars, the world would be at […]