The following story is from my mother’s book, Remembering Etta Bend. These are the words of Susie Latty, who, much later, became my mom. The year would have been around 1918. Most of the things we used were homemade and they had to last as long as possible. Papa carved his own handles and wood […]

Drowsy September Morning
·My street is waking up this morning. Daylight lengthens; shadows grow fainter while treetops turn golden from the rising sun. My thoughts, too, are stirring slowly, thinking about the day before me. Another mystery beckons, but I wonder…should I continue with the fifth Ned McNeil moonlight mystery or should I branch out with a new […]

Happy Mother’s Day
·Being a mom is the best thing I’ve ever done. I’m so grateful for my son and his family. Being a grandma is the frosting on the cake. What wonderful blessings! This morning, Matt and Nathan are fixing lunch for Dawn and me. Now, how special is that! To all mothers everywhere–you are the […]

Whispers From the Past
·Delving into one’s ancestry is a fun and absorbing business. I’m finding out about ancestors from way, way back. Some of those finds are surprising. They are all fascinating. These people had stories and I, rooted in the present day, am listening, trying to hear what they had to say. They were from different parts […]

When the Light Turns Golden
·There’s something about the late afternoon, just before the supper hour, when the day is winding down and the light lies golden and still through the windows. There’s a hush, a silence in the rooms, a quiet acceptance that the day is over and soon the sun will slip beneath the horizon. What do you […]

A Brand New Day
·It was a good way to start a brand new day. I opened the blinds onto the deck this morning, and there was a bright red cardinal. He cocked his head, hopped over to a chair, then onto a deck railing, all the while gazing at me. Did he want to tell me something? He […]