The bushes in my backyard, green and flowering in warm weather, become gray, drab sprigs in the winter. The birds don’t mind. When moonlight silvers the yard, they crowd deep into the thick twigs, twittering and chirping, discussing the day’s happenings, content to be hidden by darkness and their stubbly cover. A few wild, forest […]

The Mystery of Good and Evil
·Moonlight Can Be Murder. is a book of contrasts: friendship and distrust, love and hate, danger and safety, light and darkness. Ned and her friends Pat and Jackie decorate Granger’s Mansion for Christmas with red ribbons and candles, flames leap up Ned’s fireplace casting flickering shadows on the wall, Jackie plans a Christmas party, and […]

Where in the World Did Daylight Go?
·We wake this morning to a new day, a new week, and an old way of figuring daylight. In other words, Daylight Savings Time has ended. We here in Arkansas are back on Central Standard Time. Then, there’s Eastern Standard, Mountain Standard, and Pacific Standard. In other words, we’re back on God’s time, as […]

Michael the Monster Is Coming
It is cloudy and warm in NW Arkansas this morning, but a change is coming. Storms are forecast for the afternoon and tomorrow, much cooler. Would you believe that by Monday, we may have a frost? But, hey! This is nothing compared to what the panhandle of Florida and Alabama have to look forward […]

Into the Darkness of the Cave
I mentioned a few days ago that my mother had written a personal account of exploring a cave near the Illinois River. People going out to fish on the Illinois may not realize it was once a free-running river, with no dam to block its progress. They may not know that caves lie hidden on […]