Reaching into the dark and dusty depths behind the garage shelf, my fingers touched something. Pulling it out, I discovered a tiny, red garden glove that had been Sara’s many years ago. Cleaning out my garage is a dirty job but somebody has to do it and Nemo isn’t volunteering. That leaves–me! So far, about […]

When the Storms of Life Are Raging
·There’s an old song that goes like this, “When the storms of life are raging, stand by me.” The words refer to the emotional, spiritual storms that we all encounter but could also be applied to the violent weather around the globe. In particular this morning, I’m thinking about the people in the path of […]

Eye-Poppin’ Good News
This has never happened before! Not in this way; not so many at one time, but here it is: my publisher, Pen-L Publishing is offering four of my cozy mysteries–count them, that’s more than half of them–for only 99 cents each. Hop on over to Amazon and take a look! Here’s the link: But, folks, […]

When In Danger or In Doubt, Make a Decision
·When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout. Or, better yet, make a decision. I hate hovering between two or more choices, don’t you? Yet, sometimes a choice seems impossible to make because I don’t know the outcome. Running in circles, screaming and shouting doesn’t help much, but that’s what comes to […]

While Driving Down the Street One Day
·While driving down the street one day in the merry month of May…I was taken by surprise by a sight that met my eyes. For a moment, it took my breath away! There I was, just driving down the busy street, watching traffic, and I met a man on a motorcycle. Nothing wrong with that […]

Is It Morning Yet?
Morning is here, but you couldn’t tell by looking. It’s dark! It’s rainy! Once again, Nemo looks up at me with apologetic eyes and says there’s no way he’s going out in a downpour. I explain that he could run out, do the necessary, dash back in and have a nice, crunchy bone as a […]