On this day in 1973 Secretariat won the Triple Crown in racing, the first horse to do so since Citation in 1948. Will Justify join that exclusive rank today at the Belmont Stakes? Will you be glued to your television set to watch that exciting race? It must be my Irish ancestry that causes my […]

What a Dream!
·I realize this was from three years ago, but when it popped up on “Memories” and I re-read, I thought it was too good not to re-share. Oh, my goodness! Okay, all you dream analyzers, have I got a doozy for you! I’m not quite sure how it all started but danger was involved […]

Here, There, and Everywhere (Almost)
·After many cancellations due to conflicts in schedules, the Cozy Critters finally met again yesterday. As usual, it was a fun time. Jane was brimming with enthusiasm for her recent trip out west. She has been posting pictures on her Facebook page and brought more to show us today. Her and Mark’s first stop was […]

One-Two-Three, It’s Still Free
·I feel like the Count on Sesame Street. One-Two-Three, It’s Still Free! Three! Three more days of By the Fright of the Silvery Moon being a free ebook on Amazon. My publishers really want you to take a look at this second Ned McNeil book, so that’s why they are offering it free–sort of […]

When Blessings Fall Like Raindrops
·Rain is dropping from dark morning skies and tucking away the fall flowers under a blanket of leaves. Blessings fall like raindrops. So many things for which to be thankful. Now, cooler weather will follow, the weatherman says. It’s interesting that each season is slow to let go, as if delaying saying good-bye for another […]