There’s something about the late afternoon, just before the supper hour, when the day is winding down and the light lies golden and still through the windows. There’s a hush, a silence in empty rooms, a quiet acceptance that the day is over and soon the sun will slip beneath the horizon. Memories return […]

Those Mean Old Hurt Feelings
·“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” John 8:32. And boy, what a freeing statement that is. All my life, I’ve struggled with getting my feelings hurt. And, many of the supposed hurts are just that–supposed. But whether the person who injured my exposed raw nerve ends meant […]

Shadows on the Wall
Yesterday afternoon was a lazy afternoon at home. At loose ends after church and dinner with the family, I wandered into the front room and my old stand-by, the piano. It’s a friend I’ve turned to for many years. Digging some well-liked music from my piano bench, I sat down and played. Tunes have always […]

A Wonderful, Ordinary Day
Things are back to normal, more or less. Nemo’s surgery went well; he’s home and we are following the veterinarian’s directions. He limps a lot but his foot is securely bandaged. When he goes outside, he has to wear a plastic sleeve to keep dampness off the bandage. He wags his tail, is happy to […]

So, How Did the Story End?
·The nature show was about a mama bear waking up after a winter of hibernation. She had two cubs, so small they had a hard job following her when she left the cave. The snow was deep and the grown bear took off, leaving her babies to struggle along behind. They floundered and sank […]

Ode to a Dear, Departed Dryer
Good-bye, little dryer; you’ve done your job well. Through good times and bad, the adventures you’ve had, you’ve been through the mill and kept going. But, all things must end, so it’s good-bye, my friend, your age, wear and tear are now showing. There’s nothing to do but replace you with new; it’s a parting […]