What little sleep I got the rest of that fractured night came in snatches, punctuated by dreams of being chased by faceless intruders. By 5 a.m. I could no longer stand the nightmares. Dragging myself out of bed, I slipped into my jeans and a red T-shirt and staggered downstairs to plug in the old, […]
Down Deertrack Hill
The Cemetery Club was my first book in the Darcy and Flora, mother and daughter series. One of their most frightening episodes was when they took the fast way down Deertrack Hill. Darcy and Flora were driving east toward Fayetteville during a rainstorm. The highway was deserted, or so they thought. As we crossed the […]
Jethro Picks Up the Pen
·Darcy and Flora don’t know this about me: even though I’m a cat, I don’t think of myself as such. I am a member of the Campbell/Tucker family and watching over them is my life’s objective. There’re a couple more things they haven’t yet surmised: I like cheese and I keep a hidden journal. The […]
Storm at the Cemetery
·Chapter One of The Cemetery Club. “Somebody cut off Ben’s finger,” Mom whispered. As we stood, mesmerized by the horror in front of us, a strange silence descended on the graveyard. I raised my head to see what was happening. Dark clouds that had brooded above us now moved and churned. A small eddy of […]

A Moonlight Surprise
·Slipping from tree to bush, I walked as softly as my boots allowed. It’s funny how weird things looked at night, how lonely and hushed, as if the familiar landscape were an alien planet with no life on it except mine. I stopped in the shadow of the farmhouse and listened; no sound of pickax […]