Do the first lines of a new book tell you whether you want to read the whole thing? First lines are important. So are final lines, but how about the middle? The middle of a mystery is important too. These are middle lines from my seven cozy mysteries. Can you identify the book each is […]

Signs of Danger
·Today’s post is my opinion on what I see happening. My opinion is the only one I have. If you think it may offend you, please read no further. I am more than a little concerned about all the dissent around us. I’m sure you are too. I don’t watch national news and very little […]

Terror Stalks the Hills
This is a cozy mystery, well written, good character development and a satisfying read. Then you get to the chase scene and whoa, what happened to the cozy part? That is the misconception many readers have of cozy mysteries. Well, think again. This is a suspenseful, exciting story, filled with baffling murders. I am planning […]

Warm Up a Chilly Fall Day
·What can warm up a chilly fall day? A free cozy mystery, of course! And, for two days only, Saturday, October 13 (today!) and Sunday, October 14, the second in the Darcy and Flora mystery series, Grave Shift, is absolutely free as an ebook on Amazon. As you know, Darcy Campbell, a retired investigative […]

Batten Down the Hatches
·The ocean is fascinating and dangerous. It has many moods. I hope not one life will be lost due to Hurricane Florence. Two of my brothers were on board ships while they were in the US Navy. Storms struck at sea too. I noticed the Navy moved about thirty of their ships out of the […]