Clues: a partial message on a scrap of wallpaper, a ghostly figure on the stairs, a book of curious poems, a murderer who had done a disappearing act. Sleep was hard to come by that night. My dreams were riddled with ghosts and scraps of paper which kept floating just beyond my grasp. When a […]
Lost in the Woods
·With no warning, thunder crashed over my head. I must have jumped three feet into the air. Rain followed on the heels of the thunder, pelting me with hard, cold drops. I glanced back for the comforting sight of my SUV. All I could see were trees and more trees. Without meaning to, I had […]

The Shape on the Stairs
·Thunder growled, ever closer. Those empty rooms of the house must surely be too dark for a proper photographing session, which was a relief, because I didn’t relish the idea of being inside them. The Saunders Place hadn’t been lived in, since, who knew when. With no heirs, and no living person to lay […]

Too Close for Comfort
·Chapter 10 Miss Georgia saw the car when it was quite a way down the street. She’d never seen many of them. Interesting, the noise they made and the speed was alarming! This must be the automobile that Verna Lou had mentioned in their Sunday school class. She wondered if the driver was a stranger, […]

Big Time Disappointment
·Oh, frustration! As when a book stops and you don’t like the ending, I watched episode twenty-seven of searching for the Dutchman’s gold and couldn’t believe it. No, no, no. Surely, that wasn’t all. The last episode was the best of all. The five intrepid hunters approached the mountain from a river. Beautiful scenery. Wild, […]

·Thankfully, I don’t live in an area that is threatened by hurricanes; however, many people do. It’s a danger that they live with. This hurricane season seems to be a particularly busy one. This morning, Hurricane Sally is pummeling the Gulf Coast. It’s extremely sad to me that, despite all the warnings and precautions, there […]