The rain stopped and I turned off my windshield wipers. About halfway to Myra’s home, I realized no one in the whole world knew where I was and that was not a good thing. I speed-dialed Cade but got no answer, only his voice mail. Leaving a message, I told him where I’d be. Hopefully, […]
A Strange Morning
·Chapter 1 I awoke sitting straight up in bed, my heart doing double time. Was it rain pounding against my bedroom windows or the wind roaring around the house that had awakened me? Jethro, his feline apprehension alerted by my sudden movement, jumped from my bed and darted from the room. Straining to hear, I […]

A Mystery and Your Big Toe
·Does your big toe ache when a storm is approaching? Does your cat lick its paws excessively? Does your dog pace the floor and stick close by your side? Do you feel the urge to lose yourself in a cozy mystery? For some strange and unknown reason, mysteries and weather somehow go together. For example, […]
A Word From Murphy
·Good morning. My name is Murphy and I’m a dog. I used to live with Ben Ventris but for unforseen and gruesome reasons, I now live with Pat and Jasper Harris. Dogs don’t get credit for being the world’s smartest creatures. They should. Poor ol’ Jasper, the boy I’ve adopted, really needs me. He thinks owls are […]
·People in Florida are doing their best to get ready for a vicious visitor who just may be knocking on their doors even now. He’s an unwelcome visitor, leaving destruction in his wake. Hurricane Ian is set to come ashore in Florida today but already is making his presence known. I’ve never been in a […]