His hat hangs on a peg in my hallway. It’s not the Stetson he wore on special occasions. This one has sweat marks, and a small spot of oil. It’s the one he wore every day as he mowed lawns, drove to the sale barn, or any time he went out the door. He never […]

Irreplaceable Man of the House
·Joseph must have been a good man, but beyond that, God chose him to be the perfect earthly father for Jesus. Joseph was protective of Mary and her Son. He could have divorced her or “put her away privately” when she told him she was pregnant, but he did neither because he loved Mary. Scripture […]

The Importance of Dad
Joseph must have been a good man, but beyond that, God knew he would be the perfect earthly father for Jesus. Joseph was protective of Mary and her Son. He could have divorced her or “put her away privately” when she told him she was pregnant, but he did neither because he loved Mary. Scripture […]
Remembering Daddy
Today is my dad’s birthday. I’ve written about him a lot, both here and in my books. Only, in my books he wasn’t called by his name, Bob Day, rather, he showed up here and there as admirable traits in male characters, especially the heroes, because that’s what he was– my hero. I can’t resist […]
Waiting for the Other Shoe
·I got up far too early this morning. Maybe I’m like my dad in that respect. He was a true believer in early to bed, early to rise. In fact, he went to bed with the chickens and thought everyone else should too. His stubborn children, as well as his wife, didn’t agree. Dad had […]
Milking Time
·As twilight slips in and throws long shadows across the lawn, I’m reminded of how days ended a long time ago when I was a child. At the same time each evening, the cows would amble across the pasture toward the barn. It was milking time. Mom would have supper on the stove and Dad […]