This is D-Day. It happened in 1944, a lot of years ago, a hellish time for the men who landed on the beaches of Normandy. Thousands died, many miles from home; young men who stood between us and tyranny. Because of them, I am able to enjoy watching my grandchildren grow up in a free […]

Jun 6, 2020
Remembering the Men of D-Day
·This is D-Day. It happened in 1944, a lot of years ago, a hellish time for the men who landed on the beaches of Normandy. Thousands died, many miles from home; young men who stood between us and tyranny. Because of them, I am able to enjoy watching my grandchildren grow up in a free […]
Jun 6, 2013
Because of Them
·Before beginning this post on the fun and importance of keeping written records of your children or grandchildren, I want to say a prayer of gratitude to God for the freedom we have in the United States of America and a prayer of thanks for those brave men who died during all our wars to […]