The next time you face a lull in conversation, fill in the blank with a song. You’ll be surprised at what flavor it lends to any subject. Yesterday’s critique had music, art, and literature. Plus samples of homemade butterscotch pie, chocolate chip cookies, and coffee. Each Cozy Critter received a pen with the logo, […]

Tuesday Morning Thoughts
·One of the hard things about finishing a book is keeping hands off while the dust settles. Do you know what I mean? I have a tendency to go over and over the manuscript, adding a word, taking out a phrase, just picking at it when actually, I should give it and my mind […]

Art, Books, Cookies and Coffee
·When four friends meet on a fall day, bringing with them their outlooks on life, the books they’ve read, and the paintings they’ve painted, plus a few original writings, well, what could be better? The coffee and sugar cookies helped, of course, but conversation carried the day. Jane, Carolyn, and Peg came through the door, […]

Horses, Paintings, and Nashville
·Yesterday was that special time again–the Cozy Critters gathered for our critique! The paintings at the top are by Carolyn Bayley, who was commissioned to paint them and a few more. So, Carolyn is going to be very busy. She came bringing gifts that few people can give any more–farm-fresh eggs. Carolyn lives on a […]

Lighten Up with Lemon Cake
Yesterday afternoon was mostly cloudy with a chance for rain. But gathered around the old cherry wood table, we three women did our best to lighten up with lemon cake and coffee. Jane brought the lemon cake; I provided the coffee and Jane, Peg, and I lightened up the day with laughter. Peg brought […]

When the Chat Becomes Deadly
Will we have rain and thunder and lightning again today? If we do, I doubt that it will hold a candle to the day a couple of years ago when the Cozy Critters met in spite of threatening weather. Anyone listening in would be alarmed, but there was nothing to fear. These ladies were […]