Change is the spice of life, isn’t it? Sometimes, it’s nice to do things a little differently–take critiques, for instance. Instead of our usual meeting place, which is my house, Nancy, Peg, Jane, and I met at our favorite restaurant. We missed Carolyn who couldn’t make it. In between devouring bites of cheeseburgers and […]

Together Again and Going Strong
·For the first time since last fall, the Cozy Critters met at my house yesterday. We had had a couple of luncheon meetings at a restaurant, but it was great to be together again, the coffee hot and bracing, the cookies close at hand. As it turns out, it was a better day weather-wise than […]

An Altared Murder Case
·For a couple of years, the Cozy Critters (my critique group) and I have talked about a cozy mystery where they are the principal players. So, I’ve finally gotten around to starting one. It’s just for fun; I don’t intend to send it to a publisher. And, I’ve narrowed the group of friends in this […]

Lunch with Cozy Critters
Nancy, Jane, Peg, and I held our critique over plates of food and coffee yesterday. Will this get to be a trend? Will we continue to meet at our friendly restaurant to discuss books, writing, speaking, and all things in between? Only time will tell. Jane had just returned from a fascinating trip. She and […]

The Cozy Mystery That Almost Wasn’t
·As I completed the third Ned McNeil moonlight cozy mystery, Moonstruck and Murderous, I looked back at the last one, By The Fright of the Silvery Moon. I remembered the terrifically hard time I had writing just the right opening scene. On this one, Moonstruck, I think I wrote no less than six beginnings […]