I wanted to write a second Ned McNeil Moonlight mystery, following Moonlight Can Be Murder. I had the title already, By the Fright of the Silvery Moon. It sounded suitably chilling. That was the starting point–I wanted to write it. But, it wasn’t all that easy. I wrote the opening scene and read it to […]

It Almost Didn’t Happen
·We’ve read stories about artists who suffer greatly, trying to represent on canvas or paper the picture they have in their minds. Many of them try and try again before they let the picture be seen by the public. Writers suffer the same way. Sometimes, the exact words just don’t seem to be available. […]

Boldly Braving the Cold
·Yesterday, I wrote about the approach of winter’s cold. This morning, the unwelcome visitor has arrived. We only thought spring was on its way. I mean, anyone would have thought so–February is drawing to a close, March is just around the corner, but weather is unpredictable and pretty much does what it wants. Did Nancy, […]

Scared Cozy Critters
·By the Fright of the Silvery Moon is a cozy mystery that almost didn’t happen. I wanted to write a second Ned McNeil Moonlight mystery, following Moonlight Can Be Murder. The title came easily and I knew I wanted to write it, so that’s where I started. I wrote the opening scene. Somehow, it didn’t […]