Chapter 7 Miss Georgia raced upstairs, Abigail close behind her. Where was Elmira? Why did she sound so strange? Rushing into her bedroom, she glanced at her cat’s basket. Still empty. “Elmira,” she called, using her most persuasive tone. “Where are you, kitty? Kitty, kitty?” Again, came that little plaintive meow, but much […]
An Absurd Claim
·Chapter 2 Opening the door a crack and shining her flashlight through, Miss Georgia saw the frightened face of Abigail Parks. “What under the sun?” said Miss Georgia, opening the door wide. “Come in, Abby. What’s wrong? Has something happened?” Abigail rushed inside and flung her arms around Miss Georgia. “Oh, Georgia, I […]

A knock on the Door
·Miss Georgia Lee was fidgety. Maybe it was the way the wind was howling around the corner of her house. Maybe it was because Elmira had not settled down since supper. Usually, the little cat ate, curled up in a ball on her cushion and snoozed. Not tonight. Her nervousness was making Miss Georgia jumpy […]
On We Go
·Many things have changed this year, sadly so. One of the casualties of this disgusting virus is the annual Victorian Fair at the Thompson House in Tahlequah. I’m sure the house is still decorated, at least, on the outside, but the fair that has been a staple each December will not be held this year. […]