Chapter 5 Miss Georgia banged her hoe into her flower bed, causing a startled toad to hop out of the way. Gardening was an excellent release of too much adrenalin or worry or whatever ailed a person. And, after a morning of visiting four different shops in town and talking with Smudge Littleton at the […]

The Neighbor
Miss Georgia smiled as she gazed around her sunny living room on that early spring morning. Her decision to move into town had been a good one. Her friend, Abigail, lived in the middle of three houses. She was on one side of Abigail, and, on the other side, a new neighbor recently moved into […]

You Have to Use Your Imagination
·Imagination is a wonderful thing. With imagination, you can see things that really aren’t there. With imagination this morning, I can take a trip of about a hundred miles and a hundred years and, there I am at Etta Bend, my mother’s childhood home. I can see the farm as it was a century ago. […]

Inside the Tunnel
·Chapter 8 Miss Georgia was so relieved that she sat right flat down on the floor, tears oozing out of her eyes. “Thank the Lord,” she breathed. “Georgia! Georgia, look at this,” Abigail cried. “It’s a room or something, but it’s all dark.” Georgia took a deep breath. Holding onto the side […]