They sit on my bookshelf, alone, neglected, and looking lonely. Once they were highly valued, a world of information at my fingertips. They are my beautiful set of World Book Encyclopedias, as out-dated as the dinosaurs. The culprit is the internet. Why go to the trouble of opening a book, shuffling through alphabetically, and coming […]
Dangerous Encounter
·The sun played hide and seek with the clouds, casting flitting shadows across the overgrown lawn as I got out of my car and walked to the back. Amazingly, remnants of my old rope swing still clung to a sturdy limb of the oak. The rope was frayed and gray, looking like it would disintegrate […]
A New Morning
·I thank God for the morning, for the freshness of rain-washed air, for new light as it clears away the shadows of the night. I thank God for the mystery of another day. Yesterday’s worries and concerns are where they belong–with yesterday. This is a new day, a new beginning, a new hope with the […]

·Many years ago, Sara gave me a gift of rainbows. It is actually the tail of a dragonfly and it’s a sun catcher. I hung it in my window and that’s where it has stayed. When the sun shines through it, many rainbows dance on my wall. Now, who could be sad when in […]
Mini Ice Age?
·A memorable Presidents’ Day! Mr. Washington and Mr. Lincoln, I’m sure you were accustomed to cold winters with not nearly as many ways of staying warm as we have today. Bring out the fake-fur lined caps and coats and knee boots, mittens and mufflers. Light the fireplaces, mix the hot chocolate. The temperature is minus […]

An Impressive Person
·Yesterday was the birthday of President Abraham Lincoln and I had Presidents on my mind. We hear of some more than others. Who, I asked myself, was a President that I didn’t hear much about? I came up with the name of John Tyler. In doing a bit of research, I found a lot of […]