Oklahoma and Arkansas have interesting, sometimes violent histories. History isn’t dead or dull; it is part of where we are today and how we came to be this way, and it’s fun to go exploring, backward, into the lives and times of those who lived and died before us. Just across the state line […]

What Is That Sound?
·(Minnesota lake photo by Missy Day Albrecht) On the north side of my house is a happy tangle of ferns, hostas, violets and lily-of-the-valley. I call this my woods garden. For one thing, it grows without much help from me. For another, this pretty group of flowers remind me of taking a walk through […]

A Picture of a Past Generation
My niece Missy sent me some copies of old photos she found among her parents’ pictures from the past. I’ve been enjoying them. They caused me to realize anew how quickly time flies and people and places we took for granted pass right along with time. This picture, for example, is of two cousins, […]

Perils of Poe and Poetry
Something weird is in the air. It’s in my nose and ears and hair. Last night, I read a lot of Poe, and now, I can’t talk right no mo’. The things I say come out in rhyme; not just once, but all the time. The sun is shining, bright as can be; the whole […]

Terror Stalks the Hills
This is a cozy mystery, well written, good character development and a satisfying read. Then you get to the chase scene and whoa, what happened to the cozy part? That is the misconception many readers have of cozy mysteries. Well, think again. This is a suspenseful, exciting story, filled with baffling murders. I am planning […]

The Way You Look at Things
·My sister-in-law Linda and I found these old glasses in their case when we were cleaning out Mom and Dad’s storage room. I know two things about them: they are old and I like them a lot. They did not belong to my parents and I’m guessing some previous owner of the house and storage […]