Happy Presidents Day. This is a good day to reflect on why we have presidents instead of kings, czars, or some other autocratic ruler. Sometimes we lose sight of the fact that these men, elected to the highest office in the land, with all the weight of crucial decisions on their shoulders are, first of […]

Thoughts, Words, Actions
·Valentine’s Day has come and gone, but every day should be a day for expressing love and concern. Sometimes, in the rush and responsibilities of every day living, the small touches are forgotten. But, they don’t have to be. It takes only a moment to make a phone call, to help someone with a burden, […]

Habit or Quirk?
·Is it a habit or is it a quirk? Bad habits should be broken; good habits, encouraged. A friend of mine said when she swept her sidewalk, she always counted a specific number of swipes with the broom. Habit or quirk? In Sunday School, I sit at a certain table with people I’ve known […]

My Point of View
·Just between you, me, and the fence post, I am tired of intrigue and secret maneuvers and people pretending to be what they aren’t. It seems to me that all this running around in circles trying to figure out who one is and what one is, all this bending rules, and saying, “It all […]

Just a Hint of Snow
·Trees, yard, deck are dusted with snow this morning. Just a bit. It looked pretty as it fell last night, but it wasn’t nearly the inches of snow other places got. I remember walking home from the school bus when I was a child. The bus let my brother and me out at the start […]