Ne’er Trust a July Sky. Why? Probably because a day that starts sunny could cloud up and be a rainy day within a short time. Planning a picnic? Good, but bring an umbrella just in case. July. Happy Canada Day to all my Canadian friends. It’s a good day to remember heritage and country and […]

Just Give a Whistle
·How long has it been since you heard a whistle? I don’t mean the shrill sound of blowing through a whistle, I mean where someone purses their lips and whistles. Used to be, whistling was common. In fact, if I remember correctly, there was a song or two that had whistling in it. So, what […]
Mud Puddles
·Puddles that remain after a rain can’t help it that they happen to be in a low spot and will probably never grow into a more respectable name, like pond or creek. From the moment they are formed, they are simple puddles and puddles they’ll remain until they sink out of sight. Puddles are good […]

Powerful Moon
·It must have been because of the moon. The flower moon, full and close to the earth must have had a powerful pull on me yesterday, because I went for a long walk. The day was sunny with just enough nip in the air to be energizing. Seeing a couple of neighbors along the […]

It’s a Wild Life
·Yesterday, we were blessed with missing the baseball-size hailstones that fell in parts of Arkansas. We had a thunderstorm, it blew over, then last night, a re-run. This time, I don’t think there was hail anywhere. So, my trusty camera and I (and Nemo, of course) in between storms, strolled through the back yard. We […]