This morning, I stooped down to pick up a something on the floor. It jumped! So did I. The “something” was actually a small, black cricket. This is cricket weather–one of the signs that fall is approaching and summer is winding down. There are other clues that autumn is waiting in the wings, ready to […]

Those Amazing Little Pop-Ups
Yesterday afternoon, as I went to the mailbox, I glanced up the hill and there they were, white and shiny even from a distance. Several pop-up mushrooms or toadstools graced my neighbor’s yard. Of course, my trusty camera and I couldn’t pass up this chance. For some reason, mushrooms remind me of Ireland. Why is […]

Grab That Thought
·John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough defeated the French and Bavarians on August 2, 1704. Who knew? And, today, who cares? But, if you were the Duke or his British soldiers at that time, you cared a lot! If any one individual was ever the inspirations for stories of intrigue, mystery, action, or romance, it was […]

Edgar Allen Me
·A reprint from a few years ago. With apologies to the great Edgar Allen Poe. Something weird is in the air. It’s in my nose and ears and hair. Last night, I read a lot of Poe, and now, I can’t talk right no mo’. The things I say come out in rhyme; not […]

Dry Thunderstorm
·Last night, we had another dry thunderstorm–the second one this month. According to what I’ve read, these are common in western states during late spring and early summer, but, for goodness sake! Arkansas is not west. I’d just as soon not have them. Caused by excessive heat and dry air, they present a lot of […]