Yesterday, I began to dig into the depths of my linen closet. Your linen closet is probably neat and arranged nicely, everything you need in plain sight and easy to reach. I had everything I could need in mine; not only that, I had much more than I need. I may look like a plain, […]
Dealing with Disappointment
·Disappointment comes to all of us. My dictionary says disappointment is a feeling of sadness that occurs when something doesn’t go as I planned. OK. That’s pretty accurate. Nobody relishes disappointment and, seems to me that by the very nature of the word, it is unexpected. Years ago, a family member told me that I […]

What Do You Do With Dreams?
·Has anyone seen the film, Duel? I saw it a year or so back. Duel is a 1971 Spielberg film starring Dennis Weaver. It is a nail-biting, edge-of-your-chair thriller and probably caused my weird dream which happened after I turned off the TV. In my dream, I was in a northern state in the springtime and […]

What Happened?
·This morning, it’s thirty degrees! Can you believe it? Wasn’t it just yesterday that we were having summer? What happened? It’s a mystery. Seasons change so quickly–or, maybe I just don’t realize they are creeping up on me. Like the years. Then, I look around and, wow! How’d this happen? I actually lit my fireplace. […]

Invisible Me
When one reaches a certain age, attains a veritable number of years, one becomes invisible. You don’t believe me? It’s true. Maybe it’s the white hair that puts up that Invisibility Cloak; maybe it’s the wrinkles; I’m not sure what triggers this phenomenon. For example, in a room full of younger people, the conversation […]

Laura’s Fury
·Is anybody else mesmerized by hurricanes? I watched as Hurricane Laura approached the Gulf last night, anxiously waiting to hear where she landed and with what force. Cameras showed bending trees and flying debris as the fury of a category four hurricane struck Lake Charles, Louisiana. And then, this morning, daylight is showing the destruction. […]