Five Fabulous Days of Free Reading

Five Fabulous Days of Free Reading

What do you get when you start with an indomitable, adventuresome heroine  who just happens to live in a house with a pretty interesting past, add a deserted church, a legend of an old-time, ruthless outlaw, and plunk the whole thing down in a small, rural town in Oklahoma? You get By the Fright of […]

When an Old Friend Appears Once Again

When an Old Friend Appears Once Again

Yesterday, I saw an old friend for the first time since he left Oklahoma, many years ago. Honestly, I had forgotten about him. Now, isn’t that sad? Please don’t tell him this. But there he was, looking as happy and bright as he had when our friendship was new. He is a well-seasoned traveler and, […]

That Mysterious Cozy Mystery

That Mysterious Cozy Mystery

Yesterday, my newest neighbor came over for a cup of coffee and a chat. It was fun, a sort of “get to know your neighbor” get together. She is interested in writing and she looked through my six cozy mysteries. But, you know what she asked? “What is a cozy mystery?” she said. “I mean, […]

Penny’s Cat Viewpoint of Frightful Things

Penny’s Cat Viewpoint of Frightful Things

As you know, in By the Fright of the Silvery Moon, Ned acquires a new pet–a dog. But, she already has a cat named Penny. Penny came in Moonlight Can Be Murder. Do the dog and cat get along? Amazingly well. But, what does Penny actually think about Ned’s ability to get into trouble? I […]

The Time I Wrote a Best-Seller

The Time I Wrote a Best-Seller

At times in the past I’ve been told to “lighten up.” Looking back at a couple of posts, I think I need to lighten up again. Put on your whimsy hat and come with me to the land of make believe and The Time I Wrote a Best-Seller.      I’ve read lots of cozy […]

An Enthusiastic, Heart-Warming Welcome

An Enthusiastic, Heart-Warming Welcome

The enthusiastic welcome you are giving By the Fright of the Silvery Moon is heart-warming. Thank you. It is exciting to know that Ned and her latest mystery is going to so many homes. If you enjoy the book, an honest Amazon review would be mighty welcome too.   Yesterday, my talented publisher,, sent […]