Agnes my asparagus fern is safely indoors for the winter and it’s a good thing. Temperatures are dropping and although the sky is a beautiful, clear blue and the sun looks warm against my neighbors’ houses, it is a chilly morning. Fall is here and frost isn’t far behind. Yesterday was not so–it was a […]

A Clue in the Wallpaper?
·Sleep was hard to come by that night. My dreams were riddled with ghosts and scraps of paper which kept floating just beyond my grasp. When a tumble-down house fell in on me, I awoke, my heart pounding. I’d had enough. Stumbling downstairs, I aimed my feet toward the kitchen. The nightmares were one […]

What Was That Sound?
·It had been so long since I’d heard it, I asked Nemo, What was that sound? He had no doubt at all. Thunder! Time for his Thunder Shirt. Last night, we got a long awaited quarter of an inch of rain. But, today, maybe we’ll get more? I can only hope. It’s amazing how quickly […]

Murder By Moonlight
·Have you read the newest Ned McNeil cozy mystery? Murder by Moonlight is available on Here’s an excerpt: Had hours passed since I realized I was trapped? It felt like a century. Exhausted, I realized that beating on the wall and yelling wasn’t going to help. I was in a cocoon of earth and […]

Within a Hair’s Breadth
·A man’s voice came clearly to my ears: “I tell you, there’s no use in tramping through these miserable woods looking for their bodies. Nobody could survive going down this hill at the speed they went over. Come on, let’s go.” The crashing in the underbrush grew louder. From my hiding place, all I could […]