Begin Again

Something about autumn puts in a remembering mood. Does it do that to you, or are you filled with vim and vitality for a brand new season? I was thinking about books. I’ve read a couple of good ones lately that I didn’t want to end, but the good thing is they are in a […]

Cicada Summer

Cicada Summer

There he was, stuck to the screen of my door. What was he doing? Thinking? Doubtful. I hear him, these summer nights; he and his family and friends tune up in the darkness, singing their summertime songs, filling the night with their grating sound.  All my life, I called them jar flies, and it was […]

Good Days, Bad Days

Good Days, Bad Days

This is the first day of school for many Arkansas children. Once again, I see them trudging up the hill, or hurrying along, backpacks in place, to catch the bus. It has been a long vacation, an enforced vacation, and it wasn’t all that great. I hope it is a good day for them and […]

Remembering Dad

Remembering Dad

Today is my dad’s birthday. I’ve written about him a lot, both here and in my books. Only, he wasn’t called by his name, Bob Day, rather, he showed up here and there as admirable traits in male characters, especially the heroes, because that’s what he was– my hero. I can’t resist mixing  a little […]

The Menace in the Middle

The Menace in the Middle

Do the first lines of a new book tell you whether you want to read the whole thing? First lines are important. So are final lines, but how about the middle? The middle of a mystery is important too. These are middle lines from my seven cozy mysteries.  Can you identify the book each is […]

Stop While You’re Ahead

Stop While You’re Ahead

Stop while you’re ahead. I used to hear this phrase a lot; not so much nowadays. It means to cut it out, stop doing or saying whatever. It’s useful in a lot of circumstances, but certainly in speaking or writing. One of the hardest things a writer has to do is delete those unnecessary words […]