To all my visitors along the east coast, please stay safe and warm this weekend. Don’t take chances with Old Man Winter’s frigid blast. Weather fascinates me. That’s why I weave weather into my cozy mysteries. That, and the fact that you, the reader, deserve to know what Darcy and Flora and Ned are dealing with. […]
Words Get In the Way
·As I opened the back door this morning, a blast of frigid wind struck me. I didn’t expect that. Then, looking at the local forecast, I see we are under another wintry warning. Freezing drizzle is a possibility. Freezing drizzle wasn’t mentioned in last night’s forecast was it? Or did I miss hearing those words? I sip my Folgers, […]
No Tingle in the Toes or Frost on the Ears
When icy rain threatened, he flipped his furry tail over his head and crouched under a portable blanket. No tingling toes or frostbitten ears for this enterprising fellow. As he snuggled, warm and protected, on my deck railing, did he plot his next raid on a near-by bird feeder? Behind those alert and watchful eyes, did […]
Yesterday, January 17, was National Sanctity of Human Life Day, a commemoration of the importance of life. President Reagan first set aside this day in 1984 in remembrance of unborn children who are killed by abortion. Presidents H. W. Bush and George Bush continued this observance. To me, it’s sad that there is a need for […]
Why Do I Write?
·I have been pondering that question this morning. Why, indeed, do I write? Writing takes up hours, days, weeks, months of my life. Writing is pouring my heart and soul into the life of my characters. It is taking words and forming them into a person. But then (and this is the best part) using only […]
Mysterious Mystique of Critiquing Critters
Yesterday was a red-letter day in the life of our Cozy Critters. All six of us were together around the hundred year old table at the same time! It was great! Before Christmas Jane and her son Mark took a trip to New York City. The town was decked out in its holiday best. Jane […]