Old Barns and Life

Old Barns and Life

Last night as I sat on my deck listening to cicadas and frogs, I thought how many generations of my ancestors had heard these same night noises. These were age-old summer sounds: the jar flies as we called them, the frogs, a whole chorus of them. I felt as if I could close my eyes and be […]

Newsletter news

Newsletter news

I am starting a newsletter for Darcy, Flora, and Ned. I’ll have a recipe, some anecdotes, news of what’s going on with publishing, a favorite cozy mystery read, a story about Nemo (if he does something outstanding) and, with each newsletter, I’ll have a winner of a prize. If you haven’t subscribed and would like […]

The Martians Have Landed!

The Martians Have Landed!

The Martians have landed! They are all about six inches tall and wear large, round hats. Or maybe those aren’t hats,  but large, round heads. It’s hard to know with a Martian. They are all white and they appear in a circle, doubtless because their landing craft must have been round, rather like a saucer. I […]

Vacations and Imagination

Vacations and Imagination

What do you do when pressures mount and you can’t Get Away From It All? Television news is depressing and scary, money pressures, health worries; sometimes it all gets to be a bit much and you want to run away somewhere but, for one reason or another, you can’t? You need a vacation! When you can’t […]

How Far Back Was That?

How Far Back Was That?

When I was a very young child, back in the days before television, what did we do for entertainment? At the end of the day when the chores were done, we gathered in the living room and Mom read to us. Believe me, nothing much beats sitting with Dad and my brothers and sister, a […]

How Firm Is the Foundation?

How Firm Is the Foundation?

If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? —Psalm 11:3 Before a builder builds a house, he pours a foundation. If the foundation is not solid, the house has problems. Sometimes, a foundation is firm to begin with, but, through the years, things happen. Water can seep in, causing cracks. A too dry climate […]