The soft fleece afghan around my shoulders is warmly comforting this morning. My desk is directly under an air conditioning vent. I like the cool air blowing around me but not necessarily down my neck; hence, the afghan. The back yard crepe myrtle is lovely this year but not as much as a few years ago, […]
Are Some Things Best Left Buried?
Excerpt from Best Left Buried. This woman’s manner so rankled me that I had a tough time controlling my voice. “If the land is yours already, Eileen, do I need to deed it to you?” “Just to be sure there is no question farther on down the line, I think that might be a wise […]
·From somewhere in my dim and distant, far-off childhood, I remember standing on bedrock. I stood in a creek, water swirling around my feet, tiny pebbles bumping into my ankles, the rushing current tugging at me. The rock I stood on was not moved. It was large, solid, and anchored somewhere far below the stream. If […]
The Good and the Bad
·Thunder rumbles through the heavens. Rain splashes on the deck. The morning is darker than twilight but that’s good. I’m just grateful to have plentiful rain this summer. Amazing that we have rain and this is the middle of July. Reminds me of that rainy July Darcy and Flora experienced. This morning, I opened the […]
Writers, Readers, Books Galore
When you get several Cozy Critters together, believe me, things get lively. They are an upbeat and interesting bunch. Peg has been reading voraciously, and has read more than twenty books this month. She particularly likes cozy mysteries and there are many from which to choose! Peg likes to read a series (am I not lucky […]
A Glimpse Into Yesterday
Maria Norcia Santillanes invited me to write a series of posts on her blog page. The first was published yesterday. I feel honored that she is allowing me to guest post several times. My friend Fran, who is down-sizing, gave me a box of her antique postcards. They allow a glimpse into yesterday, a peek at what […]