Busy, Bustling Beehive Bursting with Book News

Busy, Bustling Beehive Bursting with Book News

Sometimes things happen at just the right time. They couldn’t be more fortuitous. Yesterday was one of those times.We Cozy Critters sitting around the hundred-year old table sounded like a bunch of bees. Except, I don’t think bees laugh a lot and probably don’t discuss books. I’ve never seen a bee eat gingersnaps or drink coffee […]

I’m Just Wondering Why…

I’m Just Wondering Why…

Tell Me Why I wonder about lots of things. “Why” is always on the tip of my tongue. So, bear with me in this morning’s ramble. I go from absurd to serious in the blink of an eye! One thing I’ve wondered about is the placement of garages on newer houses. About ninety-per cent of the […]

The Energizer Corgi Enjoys Fall

The Energizer Corgi Enjoys Fall

The temperature registered forty-seven degrees this morning! How is that possible? I looked out my window at 6:30 and couldn’t see a thing. The morning was still dark. I can’t believe it. Where did the summer go? Fall does this every year…slips up on me. I guess the only thing to do is accept it, […]

Jethro’s July Journal

Jethro’s July Journal

Darcy and Flora don’t know this about me: even though I’m a cat, I don’t think of myself as such. I am a member of the Campbell/Tucker family and watching over them is my life’s objective. There’re a couple more things they haven’t yet surmised: I like cheese and I keep a hidden journal. The […]

New Candidate for President

New Candidate for President

Jackson Conner for President I nominate Jackson Conner for President. The first, most obvious thing you would notice about the man is that he looks Presidential. His physical appearance inspires confidence and enthusiasm. He is tall enough but not too tall. He has kept his good physique although he does not have the bulging muscles […]

The Artistic Advance of Autumn

The Artistic Advance of Autumn

“Hear ye, hear ye! Summer has passed and autumn is here!” If I were a town crier, this would be my news this morning. Or, since I would be a crier with literary leanings, I might shout, “Autumn is here! Autumn books abound! Get yours today!” One of those books, available only since Monday, is […]