This day is starting upside-down, temperature-wise. But, that’s all right. Yesterday, the wind blew like a storm all day. Warm temperatures, cloudless sky with gales. I’m glad I took a picture of my beautiful golden maple because this morning a lot of those leaves are on the ground and the wind is still gusting. The temperature is […]
Christmas Is Coming, the Goose Is Getting Fat
·Christmas is indeed coming in about five weeks. Have you started your Christmas list? I’ve started, but I have a long way to go. If I had a goose, he’d probably be getting fat. We didn’t have geese when I was a child. Chickens, yes. Geese? No. To my way of thinking, books should be […]
V Stands for Veterans; V Stands for Valor
The Valor of Veterans Down through the mists of time they come, marching to a distant drum. Soldiers, sailors, airmen, all, who stood to answer their country’s call. From the Revolutionary War days, through the War of 1812, The Civil War, World War I and World War II, Korea, Viet Nam, Afghanistan and Iraq, brave men […]
·Another earthquake struck my home state of Oklahoma last night at 7:44. It was first thought to be a 5.3 but has been down-graded to a 5.0. My brother phoned a few minutes after it struck, asking if I felt it. I didn’t. He and my sister-in-law not only felt, they heard it and it shook […]
Gladness Is Where You Find It
·Gladness, joy, maybe a bit of wackiness are all around us. Enjoying the moment makes the day brighter. Going into the church yesterday morning for the senior breakfast, I met a lady I didn’t know. We introduced ourselves. Her name was Betty. “I’m not very good with remembering names,” she said. “Oh, well, in that case, […]
The Beauty of Brothers
My brothers and I often reminisce. Sadly, we don’t usually chat over coffee; our conversations are by telephone except for those rare occasions when we can all get together. Who else but my brothers can remember relatives who are no longer with us or recollect childhood days with Mom and Dad? It’s funny; even when thinking of a shared […]