Grave Heritage was one of my favorite books to write. It is the fourth Darcy and Flora cozy. It opens with a thunderstorm and a visitor who wakens Darcy and Flora in the middle of a night. This scene, A Deadly and Unexpected Discovery, takes place the next morning. After I checked our empty house […]
Some Place to Go, Something to Do
·I’ve never seen this before! A group of four doves ambles slowly across the driveway. Do they have some place to go? Do they have a chore in mind? Are they looking for something? I hope they know there are cats in the neighborhood and are watchful. And, I? Do I have some place to […]
What Lurks in the Dark and Dusty Depths?
·Reaching into the dark and dusty depths behind the garage shelf, my fingers touched something. Pulling it out, I discovered a tiny, red garden glove that had been Sara’s many years ago. Cleaning out my garage is a dirty job but somebody has to do it and Nemo isn’t volunteering. That leaves–me! So far, about […]
Selling Yourself Short? Stop It!
·Nobody likes a know-it-all, somebody who is quite ready to tell others they are wrong or have forgotten or somehow, just don’t quite measure up. Those people are best steered clear of (and prayed for). But, what if that person who is so critical of myself is me? What if I’m always telling myself and […]
As the Lord Made It
·Did you ever think about the way the earth must have been, just as the Lord made it, before Adam and Eve sinned and were cast out of the Garden? It surely was beautiful and peaceful; exciting, yet safe. We still glimpse it in the majesty of mountains, the purity of the first snowfall, love […]