January can be a bleak month. It’s winter. It’s cold. Trees are bare. Grass looks like it has forgotten the word green. We’ve had a few days of comparative warmth and sunshine but now, a polar vortex is aimed squarely at us and is barrelling this way. Blah. Nemo and I are blessed with a […]
What Do You Think?
·So, what do you think they are–those mysterious drones that are appearing in swarms over many of our northeastern states? Isn’t it strange that no one knows what their purpose is or where they came from? It seems odd to me that if anyone does know, they aren’t saying. That’s just one of the puzzling […]

Nature’s Surprise
This morning as I looked out at my front yard flower garden, I saw three small mushrooms or toadstools, I don’t know which. That’s not too surprising except that last night, they weren’t there. They are maybe three or four inches tall. I know that’s what mushrooms do–they spring up quickly. I wonder if I […]
Don’t Be a Square
Language, like everything else, changes with time. Sometimes I’m brought up short by realizing a word that I’ve used all my life doesn’t make sense to a younger generation. I’m out-of-date, not hip, and am an old fuddy-duddy. Never should I say my sofa is a davenport. By the way, I don’t make long-distance calls […]
An Old Lady and a Horse
Evangeline Carver loved race horses. She entered one each year in the Kentucky Derby. Although she was well into her eighties when Ned met her, she still loved to ride. She rode a little mare named Melanie. She and Melanie had been best friends for over twenty years. But one day, on a short […]