Something about autumn puts in a remembering mood. Does it do that to you, or are you filled with vim and vitality for a brand new season? I was thinking about books. I’ve read a couple of good ones lately that I didn’t want to end, but the good thing is they are in a […]

It Almost Didn’t Happen
·We’ve read stories about artists who suffer greatly, trying to represent on canvas or paper the picture they have in their minds. Many of them try and try again before they let the picture be seen by the public. Writers suffer the same way. Sometimes, the exact words just don’t seem to be available. […]

Saying Good-bye to a Cozy Critter
·(Cover picture is by Jane Barron.) We filled the round booth in the back corner of the cafe. A bouquet of flowers sat on the table. Gathered around were five Cozy Critters, Carolyn, Peg, Nancy, Jane, and me. We laughed, took pictures, and ate. But, at the center of it all was a bit of […]

A Memory of Yesterday
·As I was shuffling through old posts this morning, I came across this one, written in January five years ago. It brought back so many warm memories, I decided to post it again. The day was cold, the Cozy Critters were reading and writing and offering encouragement. As Jane said, “Embrace hope and look to […]

Together Again and Going Strong
·For the first time since last fall, the Cozy Critters met at my house yesterday. We had had a couple of luncheon meetings at a restaurant, but it was great to be together again, the coffee hot and bracing, the cookies close at hand. As it turns out, it was a better day weather-wise than […]

Lunch with Cozy Critters
Nancy, Jane, Peg, and I held our critique over plates of food and coffee yesterday. Will this get to be a trend? Will we continue to meet at our friendly restaurant to discuss books, writing, speaking, and all things in between? Only time will tell. Jane had just returned from a fascinating trip. She and […]