What to do about the weather? Live with it and adjust as best I can. Today, for example, the thermometer is at an unbelievable -2 degrees. So, on such a morning, a hot cup of Folgers is at hand, you can be sure. In looking at past posts, I came across one from a few […]

Everything I Need to Know, I Learned in a Cozy Mystery
·Cozy mysteries are fun to read and fun to write. If they were not, who would read or write them? As well as being fun, they are instructive. They’ve taught me several life lessons. Storms come in every life. There is no problem than cannot be solved. Perseverance wins the day. Home’s hearth fires burn […]
March Madness Murders
·The book could have been called March Madness Murders and that would have fit. Instead, the title is Moonstruck and Murderous which is a good description too. But, what, exactly is “moonstruck”? Another word for moon is luna. And, from that comes lunatic. So, you get the idea. Moonstruck is a somewhat lesser way of […]