Such a lovely, still morning. The greens are vibrant. Shadows cast by the morning sun are sleepy, soft shadows. A squirrel scurries across my neighbor’s drive, and a blue jay is on the hunt for breakfast. The azaleas by the front door are starting to bloom, as is the Iris. My deck is littered […]

Why This Friday Is Good
·I’ve often wondered why the Friday before Easter is called “Good”. Perhaps it is because it was good for mankind that God’s plan of Salvation was completed as Christ died on the cross that day. But in actuality it was a most horrific day, a day of intense suffering by One who was absolutely […]

Reflections of Eden
·The rain stopped a few minutes ago, but the sky is still dark and I’m wondering if there’s more. When storms come, whether they be rain or wintry storms, I think about those who are homeless and wish better things for them–comfort and safety, a warm and dry place to be. I wish that […]

A Memory of Yesterday
·As I was shuffling through old posts this morning, I came across this one, written in January five years ago. It brought back so many warm memories, I decided to post it again. The day was cold, the Cozy Critters were reading and writing and offering encouragement. As Jane said, “Embrace hope and look to […]
The God Who Smoothes Out Tangles
The picture is of my finished rice sock. The pincushion was given to me by a little sixth grader when I taught in Tulsa. On the bottom, the date is 1965. Can that be true? Really? Yesterday, I tried to do some sewing on my more than fifty-year old sewing machine. I hadn’t used it […]

A Shadowy Shape in the Moonlight
·The noise jarred my eyes open. I gasped and sat up. The luminous dial on my bedside clock told me it was two in the morning. “Penny?” I muttered. “Did you knock something off a table?” But the little cat was not on the foot of my bed. As I listened, heart […]