They sit on my bookshelf, alone, neglected, and looking lonely. Once they were highly valued, a world of information at my fingertips. They are my beautiful set of World Book Encyclopedias. And, they are as out-dated as the dinosaurs. Why are they out-dated and unused? The internet, of course. Why go to […]

Cornered With Nowhere to Run
An excerpt from the soon-to-be-released Moonstruck and Murderous. Ned has gotten herself cornered. I took a deep breath. I was in a tight place with little room to move. Pushing against the inglenook’s brick wall to give myself leverage, I stood up. The brick under my hand moved. What? Was the mortar so aged […]
Happy Mothers’ Day!
·Of the three women in my cozy mysteries, Flora is the only mother. She and Darcy and Ned know the blessings of being and having a wonderful mom. Happy Mothers’ Day from all of us to you! This is one of my favorite Scripture passages: Many daughters have done virtuously; but thou excellest them all. […]
Living in the Moment, But Whose Moment?
A friend of mine wrote an inspirational article about living in the moment – being aware of what is going on around me, not living in the past or borrowing from the future. Scripture tells us that “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” In other words, Keep your mind on what you […]

Hope for Today
·As the sun slid westward last night, people began returning home from work. The cardinal family came to the bird feeders for a bit of supper, and those busy squirrels disappeared into their leafy houses. Another day had ended, and, though the world seemed dark, tomorrow would come. Maybe today the homeless man who was […]