A Frightfully Wonderful Deal

A Frightfully Wonderful Deal

  This post was written two years ago! Hard to believe that two years have passed since Ned’s second cozy mystery, and now a third one has joined the first two cozies: Moonstruck and Murderous. But, guess what? Today and today ONLY, this second Ned mystery, By the Fright of the Silvery Moon, is FREE […]

It Was Super Moist!

It Was Super Moist!

It’s a dark, moist sort of day. The deck is damp, but yesterday it was super moist. As in a Winnie the Pooh book, “The rain, rain, rain came down, down, down.” It happened when I went grocery shopping. Everything was fine as I went into the store. The forecast had said we might have […]

What To Do with Endings

What To Do with Endings

This morning as I look out at a dark, damp world and the beginning of a new day, with another school year fast approaching, I think of beginnings. And, endings. July has ended, another summer is nearly gone and August is here–the month when schools start and teachers and children troop back to the classroom. […]

Retreat to the Front

Retreat to the Front

When life gets to be a bit much, I retreat to the front porch, my grandparents’ porch. It isn’t far–just a thought, a smile away. The porch is cool and shady, the rocking chair is comfortable. I see past the rock steps at the foot of the yard. I see across the road to Pappy’s […]

Sitting on the Deck in the Dark

Sitting on the Deck in the Dark

Such a pleasant morning. A soft, gentle rain, a few rumbles of thunder. Nemo and I sat on the deck, protected by the redbud tree, our leafy umbrella. The crepe myrtle shows up well in the darkness of early morning. A good start to the day. Yesterday, I took a copy of Moonstruck and Murderous […]

Free Reading

Free Reading

My web master, Matt, has completed putting a sample of the seventh cozy mystery on this website. For some free reading that I think you’ll enjoy, click onĀ  “Samples” at the top of this page. They are free and they are introductions to each of the cozies. Fun! Yesterday was a perfect summer day, not […]