A Rave Review and an Inviting Website

A Rave Review and an Inviting Website

A huge thank you to Deb ForbesĀ for her great rave review of Moonstruck and Murderous. Just click onĀ  https://mysteryreadingnook.blogspot.com/2019/08/intense-edge-of-your-seat-cozy-mystery.html and it’ll pop right up. I love it! And, while you’re there, take a look at her neat website. You’ll feel like you’ve wandered into a book shop. We had a surprise thunder shower earlier. And, […]



Time! What is it? We can’t see it, but it is the most precious gift we have. How much time do we have? Only God knows. What we do with our allotted time is pretty much up to us. I still have this little Hallmark date book that I got way back in the 1950s. […]

A Wish Written in Stone

A Wish Written in Stone

  Oklahoma and Arkansas have interesting, sometimes violent histories. History isn’t dead or dull; it is part of where we are today and how we came to be this way, and it’s fun to go exploring, backward, into the lives and times of those who lived and died before us. Just across the state line […]

Touching Lives

Touching Lives

  It’s awfully quiet in my little corner of the world this morning. Not even one breeze stirs the maple out front. Rain fell during the night and dark clouds promise there may be more rain. Nemo snoozes, the refrigerator clicks on, and even the birds are still. A light shines from my neighbor’s window […]

What Is That Sound?

What Is That Sound?

  (Minnesota lake photo by Missy Day Albrecht) On the north side of my house is a happy tangle of ferns, hostas, violets and lily-of-the-valley. I call this my woods garden. For one thing, it grows without much help from me. For another, this pretty group of flowers remind me of taking a walk through […]

Dream Your Troubles Away

Dream Your Troubles Away

  We all have a dream–something that puts a spring in our steps and a gleam in our eyes. Dreams are those wonderful things as filmy as a spider’s web, as substantial as moonbeams, somewhere ahead of us, calling to us to follow, to pursue, to hope, to reach. We can spin dreams of the […]