This post, like the Carson show, is a re-run, but it was one of my favorites. Sometimes, I watch a re-run of Johnny Carson. It’s interesting to me because it takes me back to times that were familiar and to people in the news forty or so years ago. Mr. Carson’s show spanned several […]

Under a Silvery Moon
·The moon, shining down on Granger’s Mansion, saw some strange and puzzling sights. What, for example, was the animal who stopped by one moonlit night to pay Ned McNeil a visit? But, long before that, what were the murderous things that went on in the moonlight and had an effect many years later on […]

Ready Or Not
·Happy Labor Day! Wherever you are and whatever your plans, my hope is that you have a happy, safe day. If you are not in the Bahamas, be grateful for that, but, please, spare some thoughts, hopes, and prayers for the people there. They are going through devastation. I was watching a YouTube broadcast […]

September’s Song
·The first day of a brand new month, September. This month closes out summer and ushers in fall. We’ll be thinking colored leaves and fall rains. If you were born in September, your birthstone is the sapphire and your flower is the morning-glory. A soft, gentle rain falls again this morning. It looks like a […]

Catching Up With Two Sleuths
·An Interview with Darcy and Flora Roving Reporter: Thank you, Darcy and Flora, for taking time out of your busy day to talk to me about your first venture into a life-threatening situation. I’m happy you came through in one piece. Flora: We almost didn’t come through in one piece. You should have seen […]