Autumn Rain

Autumn Rain

Autumn rain falls in the darkness of early morning. Leaves lift their thirsty heads, puddles form around the flowers, bowing under the downpour. There’s something special about autumn rain. It’s a tucking away of summer’s heat, sort of readying the earth for a new season. It is invigorating and lazy at the same time. It’s […]

New Season, New Outlook?

New Season, New Outlook?

Today is the first day of fall! Can you believe that summer has officially passed and now we are into the dwindling down of the year? Just so you know (and I’m sure you already do) Christmas is only three months and two days away.  But,  this  is  a brand-new  season,  and  the  outlook  is  […]

The Cloak of Invisibility

The Cloak of Invisibility

This is a re-run of a popular post. It’s for those of us who sometimes feel as if we’re wearing a Cloak of Invisibility. Maybe it’s the white hair that puts up that Invisibility Shield; maybe it’s the wrinkles; I’m not sure what triggers this phenomenon. For example, in a room full of younger people, the […]

Who Is That Stranger I See?

Who Is That Stranger I See?

I write mysteries, but the greatest mystery of all is the identity of the old woman who inhabits every mirror of my house! Every one. I can’t look in any mirror and see the real me–vibrant, young, happy, not a gray hair on my head. No! This stranger has taken over. So, who is she, […]

Coffee Keeps the Plumber Going

Coffee Keeps the Plumber Going

Do you ever encounter a plumbing job that is small enough not to need a plumber? I do, quite often. I remember one in particular. A mysterious puddle appeared under my sink and my heart sank. Oh, no! How did water get there? Visions of plumber bills danced in my head. Determined to solve that […]

It Almost Didn’t Happen

It Almost Didn’t Happen

  We’ve read stories about artists who suffer greatly, trying to represent on canvas or paper the picture they have in their minds. Many of them try and try again before they let the picture be seen by the public. Writers suffer the same way. Sometimes, the exact words just don’t seem to be available. […]