My mother had several Bibles. Some, she used basically for reference or footnotes. One, she read every day. She carried a particular Bible to church each Sunday until the cover literally wore out. I find interesting things in her Bible, in addition to God’s Word. She clipped items from newspapers, or stuck birth announcements […]

To Write or Not to Write
Why did I write them? Why, indeed? Why are the three Ned McNeil moonlight books on the market, available for those who like to read cozy mysteries? As any writer can tell you, there are people and plots inhabiting the area in our brains where creativity takes place. Since those people and plots would […]

Wet Your Whistle
·“Sit down and wet your whistle.” What? What does that mean? A dry mouth and lips don’t whistle very well, so, this was a welcoming invitation, to come in, sit down, and have something to drink. I grew up hearing whistling. Dad didn’t whistle as much as Mom did. Dad sang a lot, but when […]

Your Story Is Unfolding
·You are a story. So am I. We all have a beginning, but, thankfully, no ending yet. We are works in progress. No genres on our stories, though. That would be difficult, because at various times our lives might be labeled adventures or mysteries or tragedies or comedies. Some episodes could fit under the romance […]