We need a good falsehood, told in interesting prose, harmful to no one, and recognized as less than true. It’s a fact–we need fiction. Facts, or what passes as facts, bombard our eyes and ears. We grow tired of it. We need escape. We pick up a book of fiction, find a world different from […]

So, Can You Solve This Mystery?
·Life is full of unresolved mysteries. Some things cannot be explained; at least, they haven’t been explained yet. One such mystery is the Bermuda triangle. This Day in History ran that story today. It occurred December 5, 1945. What do you think happened? If you have a theory, I’d like to hear it. Me? I […]

Once In a While
·Once in a while, it pays a writer to check up on her writing progress. Has she shown any improvement? Is she repeating the same mistakes? Or, is she learning and growing and stretching her wings? I looked back at resolutions made in January of a few years ago and decided it wouldn’t hurt anything […]

Remembering a Launching
·Come with me for a small trip to another time this morning–an exciting time, well-remembered, of launching a brand new series, the Ned McNeil moonlight series with Ned’s first book, Moonlight Can Be Murder. This was a few years back. The picture is, of course, of the Cozy Critters, who are reading my five cozies. Since […]

The Old Umbrella Oak
·A large oak stands in front of the house that belonged to my parents. It is so tall and its limbs spread so wide that anyone standing under it during a rain is sheltered, as if by a giant umbrella. The tree is old and has seen many changes. A busy street a few […]

In My Opinion…
·A message spoken quietly with a smile at the end is more powerful than shouting with a raised fist. Love means I am more interested in your well-being than I am in my own. Even if something is true, if it is hurtful, I will not repeat it. Each state should take care of […]