Every morn is a fresh beginning; every day is the world made new. You who are weary of sorrow and sinning, here is a wonderful hope for you, a hope for me and a hope for you. — Author Unknown I’m not much for making New Year’s Resolutions. Once upon a time, it was […]

A Complaining Santa
·Mrs. Claus: Are you feeling better, Dear? How about a nice, hot cup of coffee? Santa (throwing back the quilts and rolling out of bed): Just what I need. The trip was hard this year. Mrs. Claus: Did the reindeer behave? Was the sleigh over-loaded? Did you face a head-wind? Santa: Yes, no, and […]

Boxing Day and All is Well
·In many countries, this is Boxing Day. This special day after Christmas is a tradition started by elite Britishers of giving gifts to those who serve them throughout the year. The gifts are boxed and I suppose that’s where the name comes from. This is also St. Stephen’s Day, in honor of the first […]

‘Twas Christmas Eve (I Think)
·I woke up this morning and sprang from my bed, with thoughts of a busy day rife in my head. Now on with the coffee pot, on with my blog; fill the bird feeders and also the dog. Quick, to the kitchen I go in a hurry; from counter to stove top I scoot and […]

Taking a Look Back
·Happy first day of winter! This is the shortest day of the year. From now on, the days will get longer and longer until June 20, which is the longest day of the year. It’s like the wise old squirrel told the puzzled little puppies in one of my favorite children’s books, “It’s like a […]

What Is This?
·Rain is falling in NW Arkansas, but that isn’t all…hail peppered my deck and rattled against the house a few minutes ago. Lightning, thunder–what is this? Isn’t the official start of winter less than a week away? Doesn’t Christmas wait just around the corner? Could it be that autumn is having a hissy fit at […]