Poem — Secrets

Poem — Secrets

Seems Like I’ve Heard That Before

Today’s blog is a list of quotes that we’ve probably heard–or, maybe not. Anyway, I thought it would  be fun to list them and see how you do. These are the possibilities: I Corinthians 13:13, William Shakespeare, Scarlett O’Hara, John F. Kennedy, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Sir Winston Churchill, Robert Browning, Victor Hugo, Mark Twain, Darcy […]

The Benefits of Worry

The Benefits of Worry

  Every day as I listen to the news, I find a new reason to worry. I think it’s time to re-print a poem by an anonymous author. Worry? Why worry? What can worry do? It never keeps a trouble from overtaking you. It gives you indigestion and sleepless hours at night and fills with […]

What Are You Thinking?

What Are You Thinking?

The Bible says we are supposed to take every thought captive (see II Corinthians 10:5). Not an easy thing to do. Negative thoughts seem to always linger at the door, just waiting for a chance to slip inside. Why is that?  Worry, regret, fear–these are not pleasant things and do nothing to make the day […]

Celebrating 2020

Celebrating 2020

  Happy New Year and a glad start to the year 2020. An old saying is that whatever you do today you’ll find yourself doing all year. If you were born in January, your lovely birthstone is a garnet. Beautiful color! Your flower is a carnation which smells as sweet as anything I’ve ever smelled. […]

Thoughts on the Old Year

Thoughts on the Old Year

  It’s a funny thing about tomorrow; although it’ll be the start of a brand-new year, 2020, were it not for turning the page on the calendar, would anyone notice a difference? The 1920s were known as the Roarin’ Twenties. What will the 2020s be known as? Looking back at several past New Years, I […]