Darcy, Flora, and Ned are positive thinkers. Through them, I put a message of hope in my cozy mysteries. Even though things may be going badly and evil seems about to win, these gals are not overcome by it. Take, for example, Grave Heritage. At one point, Flora was almost overcome by discoveries about her […]

What Would You Do If
·What would you do if, out of the clear blue, someone gave you a Victorian house that was more than a hundred years old? The house came with a lot of warm memories and, although you wouldn’t know it at the time you inherited it, a lot of mysteries too? Would you accept the […]
When the Jonquils Bloom
·When the jonquils bloom in the spring, I think of her–my sister Helen. Maybe it’s because of her March birthday, maybe it’s because those first flowers are so welcome after winter and are such a cheerful sight. My sister was a cheerful, upbeat, lovely person. Some people make the world a better place simply by being. […]

Daffodils and Gemstones
·Daffodils are the flower for March! If you were born this month, you are, by nature, as hopeful and joyful as the first flowers in spring and your gemstone is the aquamarine. According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, the daffodil represents unequaled love. Wow! And, the wind! March winds are fabled. Gusty, strong, unpredictable–they could […]

Natural Phenomenon and Mysteries
·Does weather affect life? Indeed, it does. Flights are cancelled, trips are re-scheduled, schools are closed, plans are completely re-arranged, all because of the weather or the threat of bad weather, or earthquakes. (As a side note, last night, I saw part of an old movie about an imaginary earthquake shaking New York City. […]

Everything I Needed to Know, I Learned in a Cozy Mystery
·Cozy mysteries are fun to read and fun to write. If they were not, who would read or write them? As well as being fun, they are instructive. They’ve taught me several life lessons. Storms come in every life. There is no problem than cannot be solved. Perseverance wins the day. Home’s hearth fires burn […]