Now’s the time to look around and enjoy those things close to home. We tend to hurry, to rush here and there, trying to meet appointments, and we’re busy, but, now? Now, much of this has come to a full stop. Here we are at home, in a rather small space, and, suddenly, we can […]

Times Like These
·Actually, there has never been a time like this in the United States of America. For us, the sweeping changes caused by a virus are something new, different, unwanted, and unpleasant. There’s an old song, In Times Like These. We used to sing it a lot at General Baptist in Tahlequah. Another song which expresses […]

Hope Blooms in Springtime
·It lifts its cheerful head above the grass each spring in the same place in my yard at about the same time, this bright yellow crocus. The oak tree that towers above it is still dark and bare of leaves. The ground isn’t yet warm so how does this tiny crocus know that it’s […]

When the Smoke Clears
·When the smoke clears, when the dust settles, when coronavirus is a thing of the past, how will it have changed things? It’s strange that an unseen, microscopic something can so re-arrange everyday life. For the first time that I know anything about, our huge church will be having services Sunday online only. This virus […]