Remembering the Men of D-Day

Remembering the Men of D-Day

This is D-Day. It happened in 1944, a lot of years ago, a hellish time for the men who landed on the beaches of Normandy. Thousands died, many miles from home; young men who stood between us and tyranny. Because of them, I am able to enjoy watching my grandchildren grow up in a free […]



I woke up this morning with a strange compulsion to look through some old pictures. Strange, because that’s not usually the first thing on my mind when I wake up. So, I pulled some hat boxes full of pictures out of my closet, opened them, and started going through. I lit on two pictures that […]

My Barometer Wears Fur

My Barometer Wears Fur

Even if I hadn’t seen the clouds, even if I didn’t hear the rain, I’d know the weather was turning stormy. My furry barometer told me so. When Nemo hears thunder or senses a disturbance in the atmosphere, he trots over to me, puts his feet on my lap and looks beseechingly at my face. […]

June Is Bustin’ Out All Over

June Is Bustin’ Out All Over

If you’re one of those lucky people born this month, you’ve got a lot of good things going for you. First, there’s your birthstone–you have two of them! The pearl and the Alexandrite are yours. Flowers? Also two–the rose and the honeysuckle. So, you’re bright and shiny, have infinite value, and smell good too. How […]

The Bull and His Horns

The Bull and His Horns

Remembering happy times past is wonderful, isn’t it? So is reading. Sometimes when events swirling around me get to be too much, I like to take a trip back a hundred years or so  to Etta Bend, the way it was as a prosperous farming community when my mother was a little girl. I like […]

It’s Contest Time

It’s Contest Time

Good morning. Lots of trouble going on in this old world. Lots of worries. BUT, lots of good things are taking place too! So, we’re going to celebrate the ending of May and the beginning of a brand new month. June is right around the corner. We’re going to celebrate the good. What better way […]